Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Car Accident

I'm finally feeling like my hip is back into place. I made the mistake of going for a walk on Monday to the library and back. I am usually in pain by the time I get home (it's about 3Kms all together). However, without Darren here to make dinner and let me take it easy, I put extra strain and wear/tear on it looking after things. Believe me, I've been paying for it that night and yesterday! It's been almost two years since the accident and it seems like things aren't getting better. Here's the story:

When I was first pregnant with the twins, I decided that I wouldn't deliver in this small town. We didn't know that there were twins at that point but when people tell me I can't have an epidural or pain drugs like demerol cuz it might the wrong time of day or a weekend, I don't want to have a baby with them!! If you can't do something simple like that, I'd hate to have something bad happen to the baby and there not be the equipment available to help! (My second son was premature with the preemie lung disease. He almost died and that was in a major city!) Anyhoo, I finally found a Doctor who would accept my idiosycrasies and rules about things (I had a list of do's and do not's) in the city, which is about 4.5 hrs away from here. My first appointment went well. We decided to eat (well, okay, not me really) before we headed for home. Darren was driving my car, as I had been VERY sick both with morning sickness and the added acid reflux that had made me throw up so badly I burst a blood vessel in my eye. We were travelling on a main road, right of way, at the posted speed, when from a side road, without warning, a small truck decided to turn left in front of us from a stopsign. I remember seeing a flash of white and Darren hitting the brakes and wrenching the wheel. The was a screech and crush of metal and the pop of the exploding airbags. I had been lying on my side with the seat back, still feeling sick when it happened. The airbag missed me but the force of the hit threw my body forward and pulled my hip and back wrong. By the time Darren fought his way free of his airbag and kicked open the driver's door to get out to help me away, the driver of the truck had run off down the street. The passenger stayed (probably cuz he couldn't run as fast with his bum leg) and gave his information plus that of the driver. Apparently, the truck had been stolen that morning from our town! The driver and passenger were both from the Matis settlement just outside of town, although, the passenger said he'd 'just' met him that day at the same job interview and was 'only hitching a ride' with him. It took the city cop two hours to arrive at the scene (making the ambulance have to wait around all that time!). Some people who had witnessed the accident from their store had taken me back with them and gotten me set up to wait. The cop didn't even talk to me. The ambulance crew checked me out but, as there wasn't anything for soft tissue that they could do, they told me either I could go wait at the hospital or stay there. I opted for staying there since I didn't know what or how we were going to get home 4.5 hours away. I've only ever had one other accident and that was hitting a deer the summer before. Well, we ended up catching a Greyhound home (one of the MOST uncomfortable, horrible rides home, I've ever had!!!). I went to a doctor in town the next day to make sure the baby was okay (still didn't know there were two) and to the chiropractor to try and fix my hip. We went to the lawyer's office to find out our options (stolen vehicle, accident elsewhere, lousy bastards for insurance company {don't EVER go with Peace Hills Insurance!!} , injuries, etc). Almost two years later, my hip is still screwed up (I don't think it's ever going to get better), the perpetrator still hasn't been caught (amazing since he left his resume on the front seat!!!!!!!), and the cop 'lost' all of the accident information and stuff (which we have NO COPIES OF!)including the phone number and address of the witness behind the truck! We are in the process of doing the legal thing but who knows how long that will take. Personally, I think the cop went: "Out of city vehicles both of them, not my problem, don't care... Whooooops!" out the window of his police car. Thanks very much for the incompetence. So here I sit, with a bum hip and a hampered ability to function, while the thief (who Darren is gonna beat the crap out of if he ever sees him) still runs around without worry. BTW, when we mentioned his name to the lawyer, he said, "Oh, THAT guy."

Well, enough of that. I have two smelly, tired babies to change and put down for naps.

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